Sunday, February 27, 2011

Daily Advice

Write down what you do.  Someday you'll forget and it will suck.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Strange Large Breasted Women

By the way; in the above picture, who do you think, dear reader, is who?

Happy 9-month birthday, baby Oops!

Our little diva baby is 9 months old today! Nine months ago I went into labor listening to the Poulenc Clarinet and Piano Sonata at SFSU's School of Music and Dance Graduation Ceremony. If a diva is to have a baby, then she must push to Poulenc!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Diva Parenting

On Friday, at the Deeter House for Wayward Sopranos, Evie the Viking was my charge. The day started well when I insisted upon a healthy snack of cottage cheese and limited intake of Valentine's Day candy. As the day progressed, however, I became more and more unhinged. The above picture illustrates what occurred next. Is this the act of a Diva? I hope so.

Proactive Decisions (a joint post).

Today, Prozac Pamina and I decided that a good way to avoid crazy insane freakouts would be to establish a proactive dialogue about our current fixation that is driving us crazy.  So far, Day One has been a success.

Prozac Pamina: I am freaking out because I feel like I have man boobs.
Cuckoo Coloratura: Let's talk about this, Prozac Pamina.  Why do you think you have man boobs?
Prozac Pamina: Well, because I have boobs and so do some men.
Cuckoo Coloratura: Are you a man?
Prozac Pamina: No I don't think I am a man.
Cuckoo Coloratura: Well we can find a proactive way to resolve your inner conflict by determining your sexual orientation and then you'll know for sure.
(Prozac Pamina stalks off toward bathroom...Prozac Pamina returns)
Prozac Pamina: I have determined I am a woman.
Cuckoo Coloratura: Good step forward PP.  See how well our proactive and rational dialogue averted obsessive anxiety about man boobs?
Prozac Pamina: Yes, I think this could applicable to lots of daily situations, including but not limited to: obsessive thoughts about losing one's teeth, drinking too much wine, or generally sucking (but not on things).

Now it is back to the task at hand (which we are currently avoiding, no dialogue for that yet): writing our music theory papers.

That is, Dear Readers, your thought of the day from Cuckoo Coloratura and Prozac Pamina.  In the meantime, try your hand at your own proactive inner (or outer) dialogue.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So, now we've started a blog. And as anyone who knows me might expect, I'm freaking out over doing it right. My two comrades have posted not once but twice. Do I have anything to add? I don't know yet. I'll think about that. Probably while I drink some wine. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this...

Yes, that is Timothy Dalton as Edward Rochester.



Mine are too small, some are too big, they hold us up, and let us bend over.  I want to learn more about them.  Stay tuned.

Smelling Good.

Ugh, you sopranos smell so good!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If you got it...

....flaunt it -- or so sayeth Mel Brooks. What would happen if all sopranos looked like Uma Thurman? I shudder to think...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boobs. There, I said it

Super-dirty and hella distressed. That's what's going on in the Deeter Home for Wayward Sopranos. But do not fear, my fellow singers, because the catharsis has begun!

Welcome to the Siren's Songs Blog. A little of this, a little of that. And all for the betterment of our personal mental health. Let the games begin!